Cularo pellets

Walking through the city center of Grenoble, we found some pellets on the ground with the mention: “Rempart Cularo 3ème siècle”.

So, what is it?

ImageA pellet in Grenoble.

Cularo is the Gallic name of Grenoble until 381. As in all others cities of Gaul at this period, people built walls to protect themselves from invaders. These pellets on the ground represent the path of the Roman wall of Grenoble.

There were 39 towers and walls measured 3m in depth and 5m in heigh. Nowadays, most of the walls have been destroyed and there are only few pieces in the city or at the museum of “L’Ancien Evêché”.

There were also two large entrance doors for carts: Grenette Square and Notre-Dame Square. These large wooden doors were protected by nails to avoid the ax thumps. There was also machicolation in order to throw stones at the attackers.

There were also smaller gates called the posterns for pedestrians.

ImageA postern.

To finish, some streets are curved because they followed the ancient walls and houses relied on them.

ImageA curved street.

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